How come billion dollar banks suddenly go bust around the same time?
How come billion dollar banks suddenly go bust around the same time?
And why do they need our money to keep them afloat? Most bankrupt companies don't get taxes spent on their bailout. Asking the people to bail out billion dollar institutions seems a bit... rich."
These questions were plaguing our minds in 2008 when suddenly all hell seemed to break loose and major banks around the world were on the brink of bankruptcy. If the people would not give the banks the future taxes of a generation then supposedly there something horrible would happen. Somehow politicials accros the political spectrum considered this the only valid option. How come the place we use to keep our money safe is not always safe? How did we get here?
The full story of the Goldsmith's tale and how it relates to banking and the boardgame is a bit long to fit in this page. If you wat to read the story you can sign up for our notification and you will get the story, which is part of the Money Maker board game, for FREE in your mail.
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In 2016 Luuk and Gijs played Paul’s first prototype of Money Maker and it seemed a great fit for their need to have banking explained to the public at large. And equally important: the playing sessions were a lot of fun as well. Screams like “You are just like Lehman Brothers, You are just like [recently bankrupt bank]” would be heard as players who had spent a lot of their credit to aquire many companies could not repay their credit during a sudden bankrun. The other players were eager to carve a big stake out of their troubled opponent in exchange for keeping him afloat with their own credit. These situations in the game were hilarious and on also brought a lot of context to stories from the news. We knew it. This was the way to spread the Goldsmith’s tale to the next generation around the world. Money Maker would become the Monopoly of the 21st century.
In 2016 the first edition was sold to the original heroes: mostly backers from Ons Geld. While the rush of getting production ready before Christmas did not deliver the end result that the backers expected, it did turn Money Maker from an prototype idea into something real. The first buyers were invited to become members of Money Makers Cooperative Eyeventure where they share in its future adventures. After the first print Money Maker attracted attention from sister foundations of Ons Geld outside the Netherlands. With their help Money Maker received a redesigned second print in English, German, Danish and Dutch. In total 3000 copies have been sold.
The bad news about this is that no more copies of Money Maker are available for sale on this website. The good news is that soon there will be a new version available. But before we talk about the updated version of Money Maker which we hope will become the Monopoly of the 21st century, we must first tell the story of how the 20st century Monopoly lost its way.
In the early 20th century Elisabeth (Lizzie) Magie designed the first version of what would become known as the game of Monopoly. In the original game one of the players played as the Bank and in that role they had unlimited money. The players of the game often did not play like that because then you knew who would be the winner before the game started, so the publisher Parker brothers left that rule out of later prints for mass market appeal. In wanting to appeal to the general public, Monopoly lost its core message.
Knowing this history and not wanting to Money Makerfall into the same trap, we spent the last years of our own time making the game more appealing to the general public, while keeping the banking origin story at the core of the game. Under the motto “You cannot rush art” we have taken all the time that we needed to make Money Maker easy to learn, quick to play, with a maximum amount of player interaction and minimum downtime. Players can expect to be ready to play in fifteen minutes and to be activly engaged all the time. It is often a surprise who wins, as the player who looks very rich may end up being very poor when counting score in the end.
The bad news about this is that no more copies of Money Maker are available for sale on this website. The good news is that soon there will be a new version available. But before we talk about the updated version of Money Maker which we hope will become the Monopoly of the 21st century, we must first tell the story of how the 20st century Monopoly lost its way.
If you want to know more about the money maker eyeventure, you can find more about that here.
If you want to see how the goldsmiths' tale is woven into the game, sign up for the mailinglist and you will receive a downloadable copy of the Goldsmith's tale.
"Board Game Money Maker" has been filed with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the Office for Intellectual Property).
Cooperative Money Maker U.A is registered under number 102543. KVK: 69719756.